
Where to Find Dark Omen Yarn

Our luxury hand-dyed yarns are available at these carefully selected retailers around the world. Visit these wonderful shops to experience Dark Omen Yarn in person.



Dark Omen Yarn (Main Store)
Via XXV Aprile 17
Spotorno (SV) 17028, Italy

Our main store featuring our complete collection of luxury hand-dyed yarns.

Lanolina Filati
Via S Clemente 70
Ponte San Pietro BG, Italy

A beautiful yarn shop in the heart of Bergamo, carrying a selection of Dark Omen Yarn's luxury hand-dyed yarns alongside other premium brands.


Stephen & Penelope
Nieuwe Hoogstraat 37
1011 HD Amsterdam, Netherlands
Hours: Mon-Sat 11:00-18:00, Sun 12:00-17:00
Phone: +31 20 261 8090

A beautiful yarn shop in the heart of Amsterdam, carrying a carefully curated selection of Dark Omen Yarn's luxury hand-dyed yarns. Known for their exceptional service and stunning yarn selection.


Mercerie Raugraff
13 Rue Raugraff
54000 Nancy, France
Hours: Tue-Sat 9:30-12:00 & 14:00-19:00
Phone: +33 3 83 37 54 04

A charming haberdashery in Nancy, France, offering a wide selection of Dark Omen Yarn alongside other premium yarns and notions.


Txoko Punto
Bizkaia, Spain

A wonderful yarn shop in Bizkaia carrying a selection of Dark Omen Yarn's luxury hand-dyed yarns.


Get Flocked
Christchurch, New Zealand
Hours: Mon-Fri 10-6, Sat & Sun 10-4

A lovely yarn shop in Christchurch carrying Dark Omen Yarn's Merino Plus and Merino Sock bases.

We Accept

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